Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Generation Marketing

New entrepreneurs tend to think they know their target market automatically because they think they are the perfect example. If you were the perfect example of your target audience then your target audience must be business owners. If not here are some tips for reaching your real target audience.

Thanks to the Internet it is cheaper and easier to reach potential customers. Focusing on these three essential parts of marketing will improve any businesses profits. Know your audience, use social media correctly, and optimize your website for search engines.

The entire business should already be structured to optimize the experience for your target audience. A lot of businesses tend to identify their market to vaguely. Even though a day care is designed for children its target market is mothers and mothers only. Yes, fathers use daycare services too and grand parents. But if the businesses marketing efforts were created to impress mothers if would be more affective than a business that focuses on parents.

The more specific you are in identifying your target audience the better your chances of cornering a market. When taking on a new marketing project the first thing I do is make my target audience a person. I first give it a name, sex, age, and location.  From there I think of as many lifestyle and psychological things that affect their day to day decisions like; what shows do they watch, what kind of conversations do they have with friends, what’s their annual income, and if their more influenced by the product itself, the places the product can be found, the price, or the marketing of the product.

Social media has made it easier for businesses to directly interact with potential customers. A lot of “mom and pop shops” think their longevity solidifies their expected sales, but for those that had a social media presence saw a sudden spike in sales when Macklemore & Ryan Lewis made thrift shops cool again. Each outlet should be used to target specific audiences. For a more in-depth look at the proper way to set up your brand check out Setting Up Your Brands Social Media.

Having a website is nothing less than mandatory for a business. But optimizing your website for search engines is a close second. There is a secret that most new marketing professionals are cashing in on for larger businesses called search engine optimization or SEO. You’re basically proving that your website is relevant through endorsement links on affiliate websites, including keywords throughout your website in key locations, and embedding keywords in your websites source code.  This is a little difficult for beginners and even intermediate Internet users. It is best to use a professional, but for more information on this topic check out for SEO basics

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