Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Professionally Branding Yourself

Anyone in any profession should understand that in the 21st century you're a brand. In an era where our online presence shares important life moments with people we barely know, we have to realize we
are painting them a picture of who we are. With this understanding why not brand you in a way that better progresses our future goals? With my goal of becoming a top level executive in a record label, my online presence always includes proper grammar, positive life quotes, educational information, business advice, and of course music. When branding yourself you should make sure to always represent your end goal, only use high quality photos, and follow your industry gatekeepers.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Build A Team

@Smoke1Hunit & @MacDidIt
of 1Hunit Entertainment, LLC
The most important thing an artist can have is a good team. The people that surround the artist usually influence the artist’s style, mood, outlook on life, and even health. In the beginning the team is usually the people that understand the artist’s dream. The team should motivate the artist, play an active role in the artist’s career, and understand their roll in the organization.